Hi, my name is Johnny Cash.
Hi, my name is Johnny Cash.
I've been listening to Johnny Cash a lot lately, and I've found some startling advice for beginner wahms. These anecdotes about the Rockabilly legend seemed too good to pass up, so I am sharing them with you.
1) Know Your Man — er, your target audience!
Yes, I understand. Are you familiar with your intended audience? Are you cognizant of her wants, needs, and motivating goals? Is your website able to reach its intended demographic? Any customer or website visitor will be "as gone as a wild goose in winter" if you don't make adjustments, so maybe it's time to do both.
2) A Young Man Called Sue
No one's life is easy, especially not a wahm or a boy named Sue. There will be people in your business that undermine your self-esteem, steal your dreams, ruin your joy, or whatever you choose to call them. There will be others who attempt to discourage you by saying that you'll never succeed at what you set out to do. Never allow yourself to be discouraged!
His father, Sue, warned him, "This world is rough, and if you're gonna make it, you've gotta be tough."
How do you become a tough boss?
Three, "Man in Black"—or "Branding 101"
J.R. Cash opted not to wear the all-black suit due to a lack of alternate attire. That was his style. He had a purpose for donning all black.
Where do you stand? How is your brand coming along? How can you be unique in a world where everyone seems to be an Elvis Presley or Jerry Lee Lewis? Not everyone you aim your music at has to share your experiences; for example, Johnny Cash wrote Folsom Prison Blues and established rapport with prisoners before ever setting foot in a correctional facility!
4) John Henry's Hammer and Its Legend
You can learn two things from this song:
a) Be an expert in your field, and you'll be successful.
Daddy Henry advised John Henry to "learn to a turn a jack, learn to lay a track, learn to pick and shovel too." Is your company's success dependent on your mastery of Internet marketing? Do you put money back into software like John Henry's hammer, coaching, and ebooks?
b) While technology is useful, it isn't a suitable replacement for people.
As the steam engine loomed over humanity, Johnny demonstrated that, ultimately, people are more valuable than machines. Acquire knowledge of technological tools (such as autoresponders), but keep in mind that the person visiting your website is still a human being, and add a personal touch to your marketing campaigns.
5. A Bit at a Time
The protagonist in this ballad is a guy whose dream is to construct a Cadillac. "And it didn't cost him a dime" as he takes from the assembly line piece by piece. The outcome, however, was different from his expectations!
Is your website a hodgepodge of different parts? Would you rather have a free site filled with advertisements than pay for a domain and hosting?
The Jailhouse Now (#6)
perform not, under any circumstances, perform any of the following:
Email spam
Plagiarizing works written by other authors
Graphics theft
Activating your Adsense campaign
Failing to maintain accurate records and pay required taxes
It could land you in jail, therefore it's not worth it. If you want to get some rest, it's best to just walk the line.
seventhly, Fire Ring
Perhaps you've jumped into an unhealthy relationship with a company that isn't a good fit for you. When you discover this, don't be scared to throw everything out and start again! If you put in a lot of time and effort into a project and then determine it's not going to be profitable, stop beating yourself up over it. Finding your soulmate and devoting yourself fully to that is the better choice.
June Carter Cash sings of her feelings for John as they develop in this song. Despite their respective relationships, they were clearly soul mates who spent the next four decades creating music and aging together.
With your enterprise, may you create enchanting music!
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